Whilst they say you can’t judge a book by its cover, there is no doubt that packaging sells. It’s harder to resist a block of chocolate when it’s wrapped in colourful paper; honey is more delicious from a cute jar; a bottle of wine goes down better with a great label; or the sleek, clean design of your favourite tube of hand cream seems that little bit more indulgent.
When we developed the concept for The Goods Tube we wanted something unique; something to stand out against generic hampers; something to tell our story.
We developed the brand identity for The Goods Tube with local agency Moffitt & Moffitt - leaders in their area of branding and packaging. The tube and seal have become the hallmark of our business, sharing our values of quality and classic design. But looks aren’t everything - form should follow function; packaging needs to work well to be truly enjoyed. We love the durability and flexibility of the tube shape, strong enough to hold champagne and universal enough to nest an infinite number of different product combinations.
It’s amazing to see the tubes come to life in different ways when we brand with them with clients colours and logos - suddenly they take on new identities, sharing their stories.
Made in Australia from recycled cardboard, we are constantly impressed and delighted by some of the ingenious uses people have found for their tubes, helping them to live on long past delivery.
Check out ‘P for Packaging’ to see some of the clever packaging we’re pinning on Pinterest https://au.pinterest.com/thegoodstube/p-for-packaging/
Dual-purpose joy!
There’s an unexpected delight that comes with this sort of packaging. When it cleverly transforms from being just a carton to a measuring device or dispenser.
Like ‘Pasta’ by Tamura Design Studio or this clever clothes washing powder which tears open to reveal a measuring scoop.

Creative Colour!
There’s something fantastic about colour and the way different colours react together – it can take an ordinary box into a keepsake.
Check out this playful sushi packaging and these storage boxes by Hay.

A window into what’s inside.
We’re loving this trend for using the product to form part of the packaging illustration – rope beards, paint brush moustaches and pasta hair!
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